

日本、世界「四位」の経済大国に(IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2023)

IMFの2023年10月の最新のレポート「World Economic Outlook」によると、日本は今年ドイツに抜かれ、世界四位の経済大国に。一人あたりのGDPランキングでは、僅差で韓国、スペインに勝利したものの30位へ。隔世の感、だなあ…。

以下図表はIMFの公開データ「World Economic Outlook database: October 2023」を元に筆者が独自作成。







Debunking Nine Myths about Parenting

Navigating the complex world of parenting is not without its myths and misconceptions. I've compiled key insights from a series of edX lectures by Professor David Barner of UC San Diego to debunk some of these myths and reveal the underlying realities.

Myth 1: Screen Time is Inherently Harmful for Children

Reality: The impact of screen time is complex and may even be beneficial in some circumstances.

Screen time, often deemed detrimental, may not always lead to negative outcomes. Some studies suggest that increased screen time might improve reading skills in children above the age of three. However, these findings are not necessarily indicative of causation and could be influenced by other factors such as household income or parental education. The effects of screen time significantly depend on various factors, including the nature of the content and the child's background (source 1, source 2).

Myth 2: Fluency in a New Language Can Be Achieved at Any Age

Reality: Age plays a crucial role in language acquisition, especially when it comes to grammar.

Studies on immigrants to the United States indicate a significant difference in grammar learning abilities based on the age of arrival. Those who arrived before the age of seven displayed superior grammatical skills compared to those who arrived later. While acquiring new vocabulary is a lifelong possibility, the complexity of mastering grammar and sound patterns of a new language increases with age (source).

Myth 3: Any Preschool Attendance Boosts Learning

Reality: Only high-quality preschool attendance provides a significant educational advantage.

Attending preschool can indeed set the foundation for an educational head start. However, this advantage is only realized when children attend high-quality preschools. Studies show that such preschool attendees tend to demonstrate higher reading, math, and language skills upon entering kindergarten (source).

Myth 4: Reacting to a Child's Negative Behavior Is Better Than Ignoring It

Reality: Inconsistent reactions to negative behavior can inadvertently strengthen such behavior.

Professor Barner emphasizes that inconsistency in responding to a child's whining can reinforce and strengthen this negative behavior. If a child engages in whining and sometimes gets their demands met after persistence, they learn that whining is an effective way to get what they want. This inconsistency may inadvertently solidify such behavior, making it more challenging to change over time (source).

Myth 5: Parents Cannot Impact Their Child's Math Learning

Reality: Parents can play a crucial role in bolstering their child's math skills.

Children have different predispositions to reading and math. However, parental involvement can be instrumental in supporting a child's math learning. Engaging children in discussions about numbers and playing counting games can promote early numeracy. Active parental engagement in their child's mathematical experiences can significantly improve learning outcomes (source).

Myth 6: Early Reading Instruction Leads to Superior Reading Skills

Reality: Early reading instruction does not necessarily lead to long-term reading achievement.

While parent-preschooler reading is tied to language growth, there is no evidence to suggest that early reading instruction results in lasting reading achievement. Instead, the focus should be on creating positive learning experiences around reading, such as joint bedtime reading, which can significantly foster a child's development (source 1, source 2).

Myth 7: Learning in One's Preferred Style Enhances Outcomes

Reality: Preferred learning styles do not necessarily lead to better learning outcomes.

Despite the common belief that matching learning methods with one's preferred style can boost outcomes, research fails to back up this claim (source).

Myth 8: Acceleration in Learning Can Lead to Negative Social Outcomes

Reality: Accelerated learning generally results in positive academic, social, and emotional outcomes.

Studies suggest that children who experience learning acceleration tend to benefit academically and also exhibit positive social and emotional growth (source).

Myth 9: Homeschooled Children Are Disadvantaged Academically and Socially

Reality: Homeschooling, when executed effectively, can lead to favorable academic and social outcomes.

Homeschooling has its unique set of attributes. Homeschoolers often outperform their non-homeschooled peers on standardized tests like the SAT. Homeschooled students' social integration and social skill development are generally on par with, if not superior to, those of public school students. However, it's important to note that these outcomes may be influenced by various factors, such as the family's economic profile and parental education levels (source 1, source 2, source 3).




twitterの機械翻訳がこれだけうまく動いているのを見ていると、我々が英語(外国語)を真面目に勉強した最後の世代になる気がする。あと10年もすれば機械の方が自分よりずっとよくなる自信がある。(Ryoichi Imaizumi - Twitter)


素朴な疑問なんだけど、学校の英語教育っていらなくないですか?もう機械翻訳の方がほぼすべての日本人の英語より高性能。機械同時通訳もデバイスとUI/UXだけが壁で時間の問題。何千時間もかけて使いもんにならない自力英語を学ぶより、英語を機械に委ねるスキルとか日本語力の方が大事 (成田 悠輔 - Twitter)



The hottest new programming language is English (Andrej Karpathy (Researcher at OpenAI) - Twitter)





四択テストにおける言語ごとのGPT-4の性能比較を下記図の左に示す。四択という生成能力を試さない言語モデルには比較的簡単なタスクにも関わらず、英語と比較し日本語での性能は6%ポイントほど低い[2]。 他報告[3](右図)においても、英語と比較し日本語での性能は一貫して低い。







  1. Research: quantifying GitHub Copilot’s impact on developer productivity and happiness
  2. GPT-4 Technical Report
  3. Don’t Trust GPT When Your Question Is Not In English
  4. Systematic Inequalities in Language Technology Performance across the World's Languages
  5. MARI Grand Seminar - Large Language Models and Low Resource Languages

The Genius Illusion: Mythbusting the Intellectual Prodigy Archetype


  • The popular "genius" archetype is often romanticized and exaggerated, not accurately representing real-world intellectual abilities.
  • Using the analogy of athletic performance differences to compare intellectual variations highlights that genius-level intellect may be a smaller advantage than perceived.
  • Emphasizing genius-level intelligence overlooks other important factors for success, such as creativity, resilience, and emotional intelligence.

"Genius" - Fact or Fiction?

From Edison to Einstein, narratives abound of extraordinary intellects whose early sparks of genius led to world-changing inventions. Our cultural landscape, with its movies, manga, and literature, glorifies these "genius" toddlers and children - prodigious intellects seemingly capable of remembering vast knowledge and solving intricate mathematical quandaries within a split second.

However, the age-old archetype of the 'genius', depicted in popular media, is often exaggerated or romanticized. Scouring through YouTube won't reveal a toddler or child radiating extraordinary intellectual prowess, as depicted in movies. My academic journey, involving extensive research in prestigious universities and collaborations with top tech researchers, hasn't yet introduced me to an individual possessing this level of fabled intelligence even for adults. Indeed, these instances of supreme cognition, as depicted in grandiose narratives, appear more like lore than reality.

The Athletic Parallel

To illustrate, consider Usain Bolt, the fastest man alive. Bolt's 100-meter record is an incredible 9.58 seconds. However, this is merely 20% faster than the top score in a high school PE class, not the order-of-magnitude difference that the comic-book genius archetype would suggest. This signifies that human abilities—including intelligence—aren't wildly disparate, but tend to cluster around an average.

Inflated Score Disparities

But what about the vast score differences in college entrance exams? Aren't they proof of intellectual outliers?

These perceived gaps result from the examination system's design, which artificially inflates minor performance differences. For instance, a system that assigns 10 points for a 10-second dash, 5 points for a 12-second run, and zero points for a 14-second effort isn't measuring raw ability—it's imposing an arbitrary grading rubric. The resultant score gap doesn't truly reflect a significant difference in innate ability but an artificially broadened disparity.


It's time we reevaluate our understanding of "genius" intelligence. We should see it not as an insurmountable intellectual peak but as a performance that lies a mere 20% beyond that of your friend.

Though high intelligence can undoubtedly prove beneficial in certain contexts, it isn't the be-all and end-all of success. Overemphasizing genius-level intelligence risks placing undue emphasis on a relatively minor advantage, potentially overlooking other influential factors such as creativity, resilience, and emotional intelligence. The intricate tapestry of human achievement isn't woven solely from threads of raw intellect, but from a diverse array of cognitive, emotional, and social capabilities.

Demystifying the Aging Population and Economic Growth Paradox

The relationship between aging population and economic growth has been a topic of much debate among economists and policymakers. Certain studies argue that an aging population does not necessarily hamper economic growth, but a growing body of research suggests a more nuanced view.

Aging Populations: A Boon for Economic Growth?

A compelling proposition comes from a study at MIT, led by Daron Acemoglu et al. They discovered that countries experiencing rapid aging have, counterintuitively, shown higher growth rates in recent decades [1]. The researchers attribute this anomaly to the accelerated adoption of automation technologies in countries undergoing more pronounced demographic shifts. The study highlighted that businesses increase robot deployment as the population ages, primarily to address labor shortages rather than merely to reduce costs [1, 2].

The Grim Realities

However, a series of studies present a contrasting perspective on the positive correlation between an aging population and per capita growth. A research collaboration between Brown University and Harvard University, led by Gauti B. Eggertsson et al., posits that this relationship deteriorates when nominal interest rates plummet to a lower limit, as witnessed during the Great Financial Crisis [3].

A study by Hyun-Hoon Lee and Kwanho Shin uncovers a nonlinear relationship between population aging and economic growth. The research suggests that economic growth is negatively impacted only when the share of the old-age population reaches and exceeds a specific threshold. This negative effect is linked to the decline in the working-age population that occurs once the old-age population share crosses that threshold [4].

In the same vein, a study from Harvard Medical School and the University of Southern California points out that a 10% increase in the population aged 60 and above led to a 5.5% decrease in per capita GDP. The study attributes one-third of this reduction to slower employment growth and two-thirds to slower labor productivity growth [5].

Adding another dimension to this complex issue, researchers from Kyoto University in Japan contend that in an economy where exhaustible resources are essential for production, population decline can significantly influence the persistent growth in per capita income and consumption [6].


While automation and technological advancements may mitigate the impact of an aging population on economic growth in some situations, they are by no means panaceas. The intricate relationship between population aging and economic growth is molded by a plethora of factors, including labor force participation, productivity, interest rates, and resource availability. Contrary to some assumptions, aging could have a negative impact on economic growth. This underlines the imperative for policymakers to consider the broader repercussions of aging populations on long-term economic sustainability.


[1] Acemoglu, D. et al. (2017) "Secular Stagnation? The Effect of Aging on Economic Growth in The Age of Automation."
[2] Dizikes, P. (2021) "Study: As a population gets older, automation accelerates."
[3] Eggertsson, G.B. et al. (2018) "Aging, Output Per Capita and Secular Stagnation."
[4] Lee, H.-H., Shin, K. (2019) "Nonlinear effects of population aging on economic growth."
[5] Maestas, N. et al. (2016, Revised 2022) "The Effect of Population Aging on Economic Growth, The Labor Force and Productivity."
[6] Mino, K. et al. (2023) "Long-run consequences of population decline in an economy with exhaustible resources."




Daron AcemogluらによるMITでの調査では、高齢化が急速に進行している国々が、直感に反して近年高い成長率を示しているという興味深い提案が示された[1]。研究者たちは、この現象を、高齢化が顕著に進行している国での自動化技術の導入加速に帰すると解釈している。彼らは、企業が人口の高齢化に伴ってロボットをより多く採用するのは、コスト削減だけでなく、主に労働力不足に対応するためであると指摘している[1, 2]。


しかし、その後の一連の研究は、高齢化と成長の正の相関に否定的な見方を示している。Gauti B. Eggertssonらによるブラウン大学とハーバード大学の共同研究では、名目利子率が下限に達すると、この関係性は破綻すると主張している。この現象は大金融危機時に観察された[3]。

また、Hyun-Hoon LeeとKwanho Shinによる研究では、人口高齢化と経済成長の間に非線形の関係を明らかにしている。彼らの研究は、経済成長が否定的に影響を受けるのは、高齢者の比率が特定の閾値に達し超えたときだけであることを示唆している。この否定的な影響は、高齢人口の比率がその閾値を超えると発生する労働年齢人口の減少に関連している[4]。






[1] Acemoglu, D. et al. (2017) "Secular Stagnation? The Effect of Aging on Economic Growth in The Age of Automation."
[2] Dizikes, P. (2021) "Study: As a population gets older, automation accelerates."
[3] Eggertsson, G.B. et al. (2018) "Aging, Output Per Capita and Secular Stagnation."
[4] Lee, H.-H., Shin, K. (2019) "Nonlinear effects of population aging on economic growth."
[5] Maestas, N. et al. (2016, Revised 2022) "The Effect of Population Aging on Economic Growth, The Labor Force and Productivity."
[6] Mino, K. et al. (2023) "Long-run consequences of population decline.



今後、ザッカーバーグの描く未来のように、VR内ディスプレイ、VR会議、VR展示会などのメタバースはビジネス現場での主流になるのか。 VRヘッドセット Oculus Quest 2 買い、ビジネス関連アプリ一通り試したので感想をシェアする。



  • 重量・サイズ: 重くて長時間使用で首が痛くなる。大きくて気軽に持ち運べない
  • 解像度: ディスプレイの代替には現状ならない(e.g., フルHD画面をVRで表示させると文字が潰れて見えない)





現時点では実用的ではない。重量、解像度の問題を直接的に受けるため。 文字が潰れて読めないし、首が痛くなるので、長時間の使用は現実的ではない。 ただし、方向性は正しいと思うので10年後にはそれなりに主流になってそう。 なぜなら、物理ディスプレイ不要という強烈な金銭面での導入インセンティブがあるので。

VR会議(Horizon Workrooms)

既にそこそこ実用的。 ホワイトボードは書きやすいし、PCも持ち込めるし、没入感もそれなりにあるし。 しかし、VR会議アプリの使用には参加者全員がVRデバイスを持っている必要がある*2が、これには金銭面でのインセンティブがなく、普及には時間がかかることが予想される。

VR展示会、国際会議など(Spatial, VRChat)


実は、日本では既にメタバース内で学会が開催されている。 意外に知られていないことだが、日本はメタバース/VRの先進国である。


金銭面での導入インセンティブが無いため、VR会議やVR展示会のためだけにVRヘッドセットを個人で買う人は少ないと予想される。 そのため、VR内ディスプレイの技術が成熟するまで(i.e., 解像度が十分に上がるまで)はメタバースはビジネス現場の主流にはならないと筆者は予想する。


「なぜVRは従来のネットと比べてソーシャライジングに向いているのか」「今後VRで注目される技術はなにか」など、 ロンドン大の講義と個人の経験を基に、学んだことを色々まとめました。


*1:本記事では Oxford Language Dictionary の定義 "Metaverse is a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users" に従い、VRベースのメタバースについて記す
